Preloader Emblem

Washing Machine

Washing Machine

Washing Machine info

This film was available from 6 - 22 January 2023 as part of the 2nd AoDR Festival.

NSFW: Nudity, sexual innuendo

This film was available from 6 - 22 January 2023 as part of the 2nd AoDR Festival.

  • Year


  • Location

    Czech Republic

  • Director

    Alexandra Májová

  • Writers

    Alexandra Májová, Martin Máj

  • Other cast & crew

    Producer: Alexandra Májová
    Sound: Jan Richtr
    Editor: Michal Reich
    Design: Alexandra Májová
    Animation: Alexandra Májová

  • Duration

    5 minutes

  • letterboxd-decal-dots-neg-mono


Wash and love.