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Beautiful Stranger

Beautiful Stranger

Beautiful Stranger

Beautiful Stranger info

This film was available from 6 - 22 January 2023 as part of the 2nd AoDR Festival.

Beautiful Stranger

NSFW: Sexual Situations, nudity, language

This film was available from 6 - 22 January 2023 as part of the 2nd AoDR Festival.

Beautiful Stranger
  • Year


  • Location


  • Director

    Benjamin Belloir

  • Writer

    Benjamin Belloir

  • Other cast & crew

    Producer: Damien Lagogue, Marina Festre
    Baptiste CARRION-WEISS, Shane WOODWARD, Daphné HUYNH
    Distributed by Agence Belge du Court-Métrage, Belgium; Peccadillo Pictures; Outplay

  • Duration

    26 minutes

  • IMDB

  • letterboxd-decal-dots-neg-mono


One night, in a hotel room, Romain, an overworked thirty-something, has just been dumped by his long-term boyfriend. Seeking solace, he logs onto a dating app and is confronted by a devil-may-care operator and an obstinate Don Juan.