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Dress A CowDress A Cow

Dress A Cow

No Georestriction

This film is available to stream worldwide.

This film will be playing at the AoDR 2024 Festival between the 5th – 21st January, 2024.

This film was selected at the AoDR 2024 Festival, and was available between the 5th - 21st January, 2024.

Programmer's Notes

Insights into niche communities and rituals are endlessly fascinating, especially when they are paired with such sincere dedication and dry humour. Dress A Cow highlights multiple generations of farmyard fancy dress in a way which pivots to consider the connection between these animals and the community which has built up around them, and the genuine care which people have for them. It’s humanising, endearing and absurdly hilarious, all while recontextualising beauty in ten minutes.




United States


10 minutes 22 seconds


Dawn Luebbe


Dawn Luebbe, Margaret Miller

Cast & crew

  • Producer: Natalie Metzger


A documentary that spotlights a 38 year tradition, the “Dress A Cow” event at Ohio’s Canfield County Fair. A meditation on bovine beauty, it reminds us that putting pants on a cow is not like putting pants on a person.