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Soul Office

Soul Office

Soul Office

Soul Office info

This film was available from 6 - 22 January 2023 as part of the 2nd AoDR Festival.

Soul Office

This film was available from 6 - 22 January 2023 as part of the 2nd AoDR Festival.

Soul Office
  • Year


  • Location

    United Kingdom

  • Director

    Ryan Loughran

  • Writer

    Ryan Loughran

  • Other cast & crew

    Producers: Fiona McLaughlin, Tom Getty, Grace Loughrey
    Cast: Aoife Hinds, Ryan Loughran, Shaun Miller

  • Duration

    12 minutes

  • Website

  • letterboxd-decal-dots-neg-mono


Soul Office is an animated comedy short film set in Northern Ireland, following the pursuits of two enterprising young criminals who bite the dust when an ATM robbery goes wrong. Undeterred by their untimely demise, they come back as ghosts to get the job done – albeit with a little more red tape than they’d imagined.