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Scum Boy

Scum Boy

Scum Boy info

  • Year


  • Location

    South Africa

  • Director

    Allison Swank

  • Other cast & crew

    Oliver Hunter Pohorille - "Scum Boy "

  • Duration

    17 minutes

“This short documentary traverses the off-the-wall psyche of Generation Z by way of visionary 3D artist, Scum Boy – a young South African, Jewish trans man living his life with illuminating fearlessness. Despite coming of age in a time of unprecedented environmental, economical, and technological collective anxiety, Gen Z appears to be responding by living more freely and unapologetically than the generations before them. In this vein, Scum Boy offers a remarkable level of self-expression and self-acceptance that brings much needed hope to a grim future.” Scum Boy is nominated for Best LGBT+ Film.